Lesson 3 of 5 – Air bow

Hello again,

In the two previous lessons you learned how to hold the violin and the bow. In this lesson I will show you an exercise where you learn to increase your bowcontrol by guiding the bow just above the strings, as close as possible, but only in the air. This bow exercise is one of my favorite exercises and a little secret weapon to how I manage to express the sound in the tone the way I want to. It is also a perfect exercise for you to start progressing fast towards playing well.

Remember that when you watch my videos, it’s smart to press pause, so you can better absorb the learning step by step instead of rushing off.

In this lesson you learned:

  • To transfer the “Stretching and bending exercise” you learned with your fingers on the pencil in the previous lesson to the bow and simulating the bow movement at the same time
  • To guide the bow only 1cm above the strings, only in the air, from the very inside of the frog and all the way to the tip without touching the strings
  • Opening the elbow joint from the middle of the bow and out to the tip
  • To be flexible in all fingers, especially the little finger. Extend all fingers on the way to the tip and pull all the fingers together on the way back to the frog.

In the next lesson, you will learn to land the bow onto the strings in one smooth, long tone. In addition, you will also learn to land the bow in a shorter tone with a small bounce. It comes in very handy what you have learned in this lesson and you will be good prepared when we start with the beginning of Dance Monkey tomorrow.

Sunny greetings from

kirsti.music AS | Kirsti Hille - Violin teacher and artist

More lessons

Lesson 1 of 5 – Holding the violin

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Lesson 2 of 5 – Holding the bow

In this lesson you will learn how to hold violin bow correctly.
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Lesson 4 of 5 – Dance Monkey 1

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Lesson 5 of 5 – Dance Monkey 2

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