Lesson 2 of 5 – Holding the bow
and welcome back!
In the previous lesson, you learned how to hold the violin itself. Now it’s time to focus on the bow. Click on the video below to begin the lesson.
Remember to pause the video to keep up.

In this lesson you will learn how to hold the bow and train a good bow grip by doing some exercises:
- Hold a pencil and roll it back and forth focusing on the thumb
- Roll the pencil back and forth by focusing only on the little finger
- Roll the pencil back and forth by bending and stretching your thumb and little finger each at a time
- Hold the pencil and move it back and forth without rolling it but by bending and stretching all fingers at the same time
- Learn how to hold the actual bow and knowing the role each finger has in order to control the bow
PS. If you got to this lesson without too much effort and trouble, then you probably have a natural talent for playing “difficult instruments” quite well. So if you have a violin, just find it. If not, run and buy one!
In the next lesson, I will share a very good bow exercise with you that will make you learn to master the violin faster.
To continue, you must now get an actual violin and bow!
Sunny greetings from
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